Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 6 Pediatric Posting...

Academic Account

I don’t really had idea to write. Everything was moving smoothly. I had already been in pediatric posting for 6 weeks. I think that I will miss pediatric posting. I enjoyed following ward round but I am little bit tired.

I believe that everything that happens in my life is a blessing. Allah put me in that situation must be for reason. Allah must want me to learn and respect more about my life…. perhaps Allah wants to test my patience… Allah wants to remind me… or perhaps that calamity for pay owe because of some particular sins that I did... My life belongs to Allah...

S – Enjoy ward round
W – Not feeling well and tired easily
O – Final Exam
T – Tiredness

Non Academic Account

I enjoyed Ramadhan. I always felt that Ramadhan runs very quickly and left me. I am sad that I am busy with my workload everyday. But I should not be secular to think that the work that I do is not an ibadah.

I hope that I can meet LaitulQadr. I am hoping for maghfirah in this month.

Ramadhan is actually a time of increased activity wherein the believer, now lightened of the burdens of constant eating and drinking, should be more willing to strive and struggle for Allah. The Prophet, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, passed through approximately nine Ramadans after the Hijrah. They were filled with decisive events and left us a shining example of sacrifice and submission to Allah.

S – Ramadhan
W- Busyness
O – 10 last day of Ramadhan
T – Don’t get anything from this months.

I should strive and struggle for Allah.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 5 Pediatric Posting..

Academic Account

Everyone was asking about pediatric posting. I don’t really understand the rumors. I don’t have a time to thinks about that. Even if I knew the problems, I don’t think that I can do much.

I don’t really have a proper way to manage my time. I am trying all the times. I am really touch with the words that uttered by Prof A. What is your driving force in life? If it was Islam, then you will find that it was really easy to finish reading medical book, to write a long case, to prepare for TBL and the list goes on…

I already push myself to the fullest. Sometimes I felt exhausted. But I tried to continue. I don’t have a proper thought in medicine. Sometimes I felt that I am not qualified to do medicine. But Prof A said that he has no doubt about our brain. Maybe I should force myself more.

I am improving in my history taking method. Now I need to increase my knowledge. I agree with what Prof R said about us that we had problem in ‘retention’ the knowledge. I need to improve my physical examination skill also.

S – Great neurons created by Allah
W- Retention the knowledge
O- Study more
T – Busy life

Non Academic Account

I am tired. But I tried to motivate myself with what Syed Qutb said. Life is hard. But if I compare it with Jannah, then I will find the road that I take is easy.

I am not using my time to play around. I have a work that I need to do for the sake of the ummah. Sometimes I felt tired to follow the path. The path that I took, the journey that I went sometimes made me down. I am still trying to manage my time. I was still trying to boost myself.

Shaykh ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Azzam rahimahullah said, “The ( Jihad) ,was a market that opened. People made a lot of money, and then the market closed.” It’s not going to last forever; if you sit behind, if you hesitate, if you are reluctant, then you will miss out because the chance only comes once”.

I really hope that Allah helps me in my journey. As a Muslim I need to believe that this Ummah will be victorious. May Allah help me in my study as I find it was hard.

S- Allah
W – Laziness
O- Ramadhan
T – Not performing in Ramadhan.

I hope that I can continuous working hard. I hope that Ramadhan can become a great motivation for me.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 4 Pediatric Posting...

Academic Account

Alhamdulillah, I learn a lot of things this week. I present 3 times this week but I only have courage to ask mark from Prof K. I am still afraid with the specialist in Serdang but still I like them very much. I am enjoying my life. There are so many things to learn.

I came to hospital today. I had an opportunity to follow Dr F round with my other 3 friends. I learn abdomen examination. I saw a dengue hemorrhagic patient with “white islands in the sea of red”. Then I manage to see hemangioma, Mongolian spot and Thalassemia patient.

Dr F also brought four of us to NICU. The most touching part was when she explained to one couple about their baby. The child was diagnosed with Down syndrome. For me, there are so many things to learn. I am inspired with the specialist here for many reasons especially about their knowledge. The way they look at the baby and know that the baby had Down syndrome was so amazed. Allah creates humans with such a good brain so that they can contribute to ummah. Being a medical student also made me realize about Allah AlQahhar, the Subduer of His creatures by His sovereign authority and power and the Disposer of them as He pleases, with and against their will.

Do they seek other than the religion of Allah, while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.
[Ale Imran: 83]

S – Great neurons created by Allah
W- Easily stress and sad
O- Learn in the hospital
T – Laziness

Non Academic Account

Alhamdulillah, we had entered the months of Ramadhan. It was really a great month and I hope that I can work very hard in this month. I hope that I can do something for the ummah in the future. Today, I will go Surau Ansar, Keramat. There will be a program there with other usrah member. I also had an opportunity to meet my junior.

Sometimes it was little bit tired. But I remember the things said by Prof L This was the nature of Islam. It is about working and a continous working situation. Islam doesn’t allow us to rest and sometimes our life is not ours anymore.

In Surah Insyirah Allah stated:
7. Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,
8. And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention.

S- Good lecturer
W – Laziness
O- Seek more programmes
T – Not istiqamah

I hope that I can do well in Ramadhan.