Friday, June 18, 2010


5 risk factor for hypertension
1) Hypertension
2) Cigarette smoking
3) Physical inactivity
4) Diabetes Mellitus
5) Dyslipidaemia

5 fundoscopic changes in severe hypertension
1) Hemorrhages
2) Exudates
3) Papilloedema
4) Arteriolar narrowing
5) Swollen optic nerve

5 causes of secondary hypertension
1) Sleep apnoea
2) Acromegaly
3) Coarctation of aorta
4) Chronic kidney disease
5) Thyroid or parathyroid disease

5 classes of antihypertensive medication
1) ACE inhibitors
2) Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
3) Beta-blockers
4) Calcium Channel Blockers
5) Diuretics

5 features of malignant hypertension
1) Numbness of the arms, legs, face or other areas
2) Changes in mental status – confusion, decreased alertness
3) Seizure
4) Shortness of breath
5) Blurred vision

5 investigations in primary hypertension with reason
1) ECG – left ventricular hypertrophy ( target organ damage)
2) Fasting blood sugar – diabetes (risk factor)
3) Renal function test – chronic kidney disease ( target organ damage)
4) Lipid profile – Dyslipidaemia (risk factor)
5) Chest X ray – heart failure ( target organ damage)

List 2 medication that is preferred in
1) Hypertension + diabetes – ACEi & ARB
2) Hypertension + ischemic heart disease – ACEi & Beta-blockers
3) Hypertension + congestive heart failure – diuretic & ACEi
4) Hypertension + chronic renal failure – ACEi & ARB
5) Hypertension + hypertensive crisis – CCB & Beta-blockers

5 complications of hypertension
1) Left ventricular hypertrophy
2) Angina or myocardial infarction
3) Heart failure
4) Chronic kidney disease
5) Stroke/ transient ischemic attack

5 pathophysiological changes that increase blood pressure

5 advices to patient with hypertension on discharge
1) If you are overweight, try to lose weight
2) Reduce salt intake
3) Exercise regularly
4) Moderate alcohol intake
5) Stop smoking

5 common side effect of hypertension and which class it associated with
1) Diuretics – hypokalemia
2) Beta-blockers – erectile dysfunction
3) Calcium channel blocker – ankle oedema
4) ACEi - cough
5) Alpha-1-adrenergic blockers – postural hypotension

5 drugs to prevent recurrent stroke
1) ACEi
2) Diuretic
3) ARB
4) Warfarin
5) Aspirin

5 different types of cerebrovascular accident
1) Subarachnoid hemorrhage
2) Subdural hemorrhage
3) Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
4) Epidural hemorrhage
5) Ischemic stroke

5 signs of overdose antihypertensive
1) Bradycardia
2) Hypotension
3) Altered mental status
4) Seizures
5) Angioedema (ACEi)

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