Sunday, January 13, 2008


Ya Allah, someone told me that if i can be khusyu' in solat, then i can concentrate in my study. It is because khusyu' is something that is so difficult to achieve.

Ya Allah, i am sad as i can't become khusyu' in my solat. I just missed my 3rd rakaat just now while praying. I am so sad for that. What happens to me, Ya Rabb? Why it is so difficult for me to concentrate??

Ya Allah, i can't concentrate in my study also. I am lost in my own world. I am blurred almost all the time. I knew that i am anemic. I also knew that anemic can cause poor concentration. Is it because of that, Ya Rabb??

Ya Allah, i am sinner. I have done a lot of wrong thing. Is it because of that i can't concentrate? Forgive me, Ya Rabb. Thanks, Ya Rabb for the test. It makes me realize about all the wrong doing that i did.

1 comment:

deen said...

hayati kalimah yng dibaca semasa solat. bila mane terase sudah lari dari khusyu' (tibe2 teringat psl hal lain2), cepat2 dengari kalimah ape yng sedang dibace skrng, dan hayati kalimah itu. say it, like u mean it. insyaAllah itu kunci kpd khusyu' :)